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14 thoughts on “Yoga Chat #1”

  1. Eva Milagros Gandionco

    I have started to do yoga on my own. I am 61 years old. I was a dancer during my younger years. I now have a problem doing some of the yoga poses and it’s so frustrating. How do I gradually regain my flexibility at my age.

  2. I have been doing yoga for a year and am 77 years old. The most difficult thing for me is the breathing, I am slightly asthmatic, any tips?

  3. I have about 10-15 minutes in the morning that I would like to dedicate toward yoga. What poses do you recommend fora beginner? Hopefully I will be able to dedicate more time in the future but I thought this was a good starting point.

  4. Hi Ally and Victor!
    I like this “chat” idea! My question is about supine twists. Is it more important to get your knees to the floor even though your back and shoulder come up or is it more important to keep your back flat on the floor even though your knees don’t make it all the way down?


  5. I love yoga and appreciate your support. I would love to know how to incorporate yoga into my busy regimen on a daily basis. I find I only practice when I attend classes twice per week- is there a trick to do it daily? Is it better to practice in the morning or afternoon? I also suffer carpal tunnel syndrome – anything to avoid or do to strengthen wrists. Love your work. Stay safe stay well stay beautiful xoxoxo

  6. Less a question, more a comment… Will you please help me/us feel confident that regardless of pose or duration or breathing technique that whatever we do is beneficial as long as we set the proper intention? In my mind I’m a Shaolin monk, but in practice I’m a kindergartener fighting a glue stick. Can you help me minimize the disconnect?

  7. My questions revolve around breathing as a newbie, and carving out time to do yoga as a busy stay at home mom with 3 kids 7 and under.

  8. What practical tips or advice do you recommend for people who have anxiety or insomnia? It could be yoga related or not. I just started doing yoga at home this year but I’ve been following you since last year.

  9. So 67 yo male and want to get started with yoga but my work hrs and taking classes don’t mix so want to do from home. What are the first ones I need to learn and as a side in part for health and in part for my golf game.


    So much of yoga requires the use or activation of the core muscles. In my short time of practicing yoga, I watched a youtube video some time ago that said engaging the mula bandha helps when activating the uddiyana bandha. Is this true? Why don’t more online yoga teachers talk about this? (I only practice yoga at home). I had a c-section about 10 years ago, and I feel my pelvic floor and core have improved so much in the 4 years of doing yoga, but I have trouble engaging the core when trying to do poses that require it, like crow pose for example. Is it just a matter of being patient with my body in order to attain the core strength required for “floating”?

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